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BollyX is a Bollywood-inspired dance-fitness program that combines dynamic choreography with the hottest music from around the world. Its 45 minute cardio workout cycles between higher and lower-intensity dance sequences to get you moving, sweating, and smiling.

At the very core of a BollyX workout is the inspiration it draws from the music and dance of Bollywood, the film industry of India. We embody the infectious energy, expression and movement of Bollywood and aim to expand the reach of fitness to more people worldwide.


Our instructor is licensed to teach both the original program as well as the Low Impact program which means that modifications are offered during all routines to ensure the class is suitable for everyone regardless of their fitness level.


Your BollyX class will start with our unique 3 stage warm up to ensure all your joints are warmed up and you are ready for the workout ahead.  We then alternate between high and low intensity routines to raise the heart rate and keep you in that fat burning zone.  Your class will also include upper and lower body toning routines to give a well rounded class.  We will then start to lower the heart rate, stretch the muscles out and finish will some nice deep breaths to leave you feeling focused yet relaxed.


The music for this class is a blend of Eastern and Western tracks so you will feel like a star in your very own Bollywood film


Check out these videos for a sneak peek at what you might see in a BollyX class




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